
DSL Premium Leather Triple Garment Guitar Strap - Black

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DSL Straps GLG25-BLACK Premium Leather Triple Garment Guitar Strap - Black

The DSL GLG Straps feature a unique three-ply construction. A premium quality suede core layer is sandwiched by two garment leather facings, front and back. The result is an extra strong, very flexible strap that has a unique spring-style suspension due to the elasticity and suppleness of the leather ply. Each strap is handmade in Australia from hand-sourced highest quality leather. Three layers of specially chosen leather (two full-grain garment leather and one premium grade suede) are cut and double stitched for extra strength. A classic tough interweave tail is fitted for adjusting strap length.

Handmade in Australia Unique three-layer genuine leather design Tough suede core with top and bottom layers of garment leather Leather double stitched Classic tough interweave tail for adjusting strap length Specially stitched to match leather colour