A collection of AMEB Grade 4 repertoire for the aspiring classical violinist. Carefully selected by top Australian violin performers and pedagogues, the grade books feature a diversity of musical styles and often include works by celebrated Australian composers. Repertoire is carefully coordinated to align with the technical requirements at this grade level. Includes piano accompaniment.
Millionaire's hoedown (Clebanoff)
Catch me if you can (Cohen)
Study (Mackay)
Etude (Mazas)
Grave and Allegro (Corelli)
Austrian hymn (Dancla)
Waltz (Gounod)
Melancholy melody (Oostenbroek)
Hungarian dance (Brahms)
Celtic dreaming and dance (Chin)
Hora-Hatikvah (Perlman)
In a Spanish garden (Trott)