Aquila ukulele string sets are made using innovative materials, discovered and perfected in their laboratory after a long period of research and after being thoroughly tested, thus giving rise to a new synthetic product of high technology. The New Nylgut is the first product developed and patented by Aquila.
The New Nylgut is not common Nylon or Carbon (Fluocarbon fishing line or PVDF), or a mix of them. It is a plastic compound of three different components. Compared to Nylon, the New Nylgut® produces a better sound and stays in tune better, this because the moisture absorption is less of .1% against the 2.0% of Nylon normally employed for the musical strings (i.e. Du Pont Tynex® polyammide 6-12).
Due to the higher density, similar to that of pure gut (1.30 gr/cm3), the New Nylgut® produces a better sound than Nylon and it is not so metallic like those of the so called "Carbon" (Fluorocarbon) PVDF strings.
In other words, the New Nylgut® is probably the first genuine syntetic gut in the world.
The New Nylgut® assures:
1.a better sound than Nylon or PVDF, similar to the genuine gut strings
2.a more accurated fret-intonation due to the well gauged material
3.a very stable intonation under moisture changes.