Guitar & Amp Workshop
Guitar / Bass Service & Repairs
Restring only: Acoustic, nylon string $69 | Ukulele $40 | Violin $40 - all plus cost of strings.
Acoustic set-up: Steel, classical, resonator $130
Electric set-up: Hard tail $150 | Floating Bridge $150 | Floyd Rose $160 | Bass Guitar $150
Full set-up includes:
- Set intonation
- Set string action
- Truss Rod Adjustments (if necessary)
- Check / fix all electronics / pickup system
- Clean / recondition fingerboard and frets
- General clean of instrument and any other specific customer requests.
- Restring with your choice of strings (NB: service does not include cost of strings)
- Floating & Floyd Rose also includes full detailed setup of floating tremolo / Floyd Rose whammy systems for seamless use. Ie. staying to correct pitch, intonation setup and fluidity
NB: All prices above are estimates. Additional charges may be incurred if the work exceeds an hour or if it isn’t covered under the service outline. Standard workshop service is $120/hour charged in 15 minute increments.

General: $150/hour charged in 15 minute increments.
Our Technicians can do repairs on Solid State and Valve heads, combos and everything in-between* from changing tubes and speakers to performing all sorts of modifications.
*Due to miniature printed circuit boards and digital processors, some amps might not be able to be completed in store.
Other String Instruments: 120/hour charged in 15 minute increments.
Red Tag Express: $50 surcharge for express turnaroud. Keep in mind parts that require ordering will effect turnaround time.